This week, we sadly said good-bye to a ‘new-to-us’ but older miniature schnauzer. This adorable dog had developed a combination of troubling health issues associated with aging and was no longer able to enjoy a good quality of life.
This dog’s original owner had passed away several months ago and a neighbour – one of our wonderful clients – took him and his slightly younger ‘sibling’ in to continue their lives with a loving family.
It strikes me that these kind folks made their own personal sacrifice to take in two aging dogs. Older pets are typically very challenging to rehome separately, let alone together! They offered a rare opportunity for these dogs to live out the remainder of their days together and with a wonderful new family, despite the tragic loss of their original owner.
I wanted to take this time to thank these clients, as well as our many other clients who have been willing to adopt older pets, despite their often complicated medical demands. This kind of compassion is duly noted and greatly appreciated!